Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Video Sharp Shooter



This software was designed to work for anyone regardless of their niche or experience level...
Plus, it doesn't matter if you live in the United States or anywhere else around the world!
So, What Exactly Does Video Sharp Shooter Do?
I'll explain the entire process and explain why this is such a powerful tool if you want to crush your competition, rank higher in Google and make more money with less effort...
Simply enter one or more keywords into the software and select how many pages deep you want to search. Then click Start.
Video Sharp Shooter will search Google to find all the top ranking Youtube videos. You'll get valuable data like Google ranking, Youtube ranking, title, description, tags and views.
Now you can instantly discover "hidden" secrets about other marketers who are successfully using video marketing to siphon targeted traffic on auto-pilot from Google.
You'll be able to gather important information you would never be able to see with a standard keyword research tool.
After analyzing this data you'll be armed with the intel you need to attack those keywords by creating videos for yourself or your customers that can rank even better!
And if the software doesn't find any videos for your keywords then there's a strong possibility that you can create a simple video and get on the first page very easily.
You'll know at a glance what opportunities are available and exactly how much work is required to get the job done.
So, no matter how you slice and dice it... you can use this software to outrank and outsmart your competition!
Here's a short video demonstrating the software:

Video Sharp Shooter

Check it out today!


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