Monday, December 15, 2014

Writing A Video Script Just Got Easier!

Reprinted with permission from - Writing A Video Script Just Got Easier!


The daunting task of writing a script for your next video is finally going to become a lot easier. Today, Video Script is launching, and it promises to make your script writing a whole lot easier!

Many tools I've introduced you to in the past couple of months allow you to make a GREAT dent in Video Marketing…but as you probably know, you need a great SCRIPT to really entice your viewer traffic to turn into buyers…

Are you ready for the best low-cost script generation tool ever?

The price for a script writer or recycling old video scripts has always been SO costly to both your bank account and your viewer engagement, and only a small percentage of users will ever ACT on your video to then become captured as a lead or even buyer…

This software takes on the effectiveness of professional script writers and call-to-actions, but for just a fraction of the price and lets you customize and generate a winning script, ready for you to use for your videos so you don't lose your viewer traffic due to boring, repetitive or unengaging content!

Grab the discount here:

What are the features of "videoscript", also known as "Script Generation on Steroids"?

1. It is NOT a WordPress Plugin
2. It can be used on BOTH Mac and PC!
3. It is NOT an App, but instead a web-based Software, which means you'll be able to use it anywhere in the world. (THIS IS SUPER HANDY)
4. All you need to do is select what parts you want to add into your script, customize it with your name and product, and save!
5. The cost is super-low compared to the other alternatives of script writers and the rest (just a 1-time charge)

You've been purchasing some superb video software from me – but they all have one thing in common… they need a way for you to actually create a winning video script before you even make the video so it's enticing enough to gather leads in an interactive manner so you can MAKE SALES (and be affordable)

Problem solved.. especially if you get ′in' on the special discount right now!

Watch the video at that link below for a demo of the software…again, they are using the actual software on this page:

To your video making success,

Micheal & Yvonne – Online Video Workshop

via Warrior Special Offers - The Inside Information


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