Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Social Video Formula For Unlimited Traffic

Social Video Formula

As you probably already know video marketing is the number 1 way to get people's attention right now as well as to generate an authoritative figure that people trust.

The concept is great but here is where it is all going wrong:

  • You went out and bought expensive video editing software and started making videos to generate traffic but have seen very few leads from it.
  • You have been posting your videos on YouTube and followed all of the YouTube marketing courses that promised you thousands of hungry buyers non-stop but you are lucky to have one or two sales if that.

The reason that you are not generating the leads that you want through video marketing is because of 2 reasons:

  1. You're Missing Out On A Special Way To Post Your Videos.
  2. Everyone is on YouTube Marketing… Trying to stand out on YouTube against the millions of people posting their videos and advertisements is nearly impossible now.

Here is where the good news comes in…

I have been given permission to give you 82% off a $97 traffic generating course that is taking over the industry on how video marketing will be done for the next decade and if you jump in now you will cash in BEFORE every other marketer jumps in over saturates the market.

We all know that we can have the greatest product or services in the world or even promote the greatest products to earn fat commission checks but without traffic we are dead in the water. I personally have wasted thousands on:

  • PPC
  • Bing Ads
  • Google Ads
  • FB Ads
  • Solo Ads
  • Buying lists
  • BS Traffic Courses that fall flat

You probably have wasted quite a bit of money yourself because you know the importance of traffic. Without it there is no point in trying to make a single dime online.

What if I told you that short 30 second Facebook Video Ads are taking over in a HUGE way and there are proven case studies showing the power of these ads right here:

The best part is you can generate targeted buyer traffic with just the change in your car, pockets or in your coach. That is how cheap it is to get into right now.

Did you know that everyday 1.32 BILLION people login to their Facebook accounts?

Have you noticed lately that instead of reading statuses like “I am going shopping,” “I just bought new shoes,” or the drama between couples is barely noticeable because you see non-stop videos in your news feed?

Also, between the months of May and June of this year, videos on Facebook increased 50%! That is just one month! It is still growing.

You see, Facebook is trying to beat YouTube, and by its phenomenal growth thus far it seems like they are on a mission that they are already achieving!

The best part is FB is giving away huge volume of traffic on both free and paid ads right now to compete with YouTube. This is your chance to get your hands on the proven Facebook Video formula that is generating hordes of traffic and has been tested for months. I am talking about testing various methods and having case studies that backs up every one of Social Video Formula's claims.

This is your chance to get in build your list before FB prices go up as the market is saturated.

Plus, I secured a special 82% off discount on this $97 proven traffic generating course for my loyal subscribers. This huge discount is only valid for a couple of days so I highly suggest you claim your discount! Just go to this link:

Social Video Formula shows you step by step on how to create simple 30 second videos and deploy them strategically…

They infiltrate people's news feeds and go viral almost instantaneously while sending you traffic like you have never seen before!

The best part is you actually get to make money off of the expensive video creation software that you spent your money on and it will actually be a money making machine like it was supposed to be.

With Social Video Formula they are literally providing you with a proven Facebook Video Marketing formula that will enable you to dominate, generate truly targeted traffic because if they watched your video and click to learn more that is a qualified lead!

No wasting money there! And you are building a huge targeted list at the exact same time!

I promise you this isn't another overhyped BS autopilot product that will generate you thousands upon thousands of leads all on autopilot. I know you are smarter than that and this is why I felt it was important to share with you something that truly works today.

Plus, they have REAL LIFE case studies unlike the overhyped crap that prove that Social Video Formula's formula will generate you traffic and money!

Plus, what if you take your video creation software and start a business creating 30 second FB ads and selling them to newbies who have no clue how to make a video?

Social Video Formula is not only going to enable you to generate more leads but it is also providing you with a strategy that you can employ to create videos for fellow marketers that do not have the skills and it is another source of income just for you!


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